boat transport and yacht transport

boat transport and yacht transport NOSTsolution
boat transport Grandezza


Get an insight with our selected pictures of completed transports from recent years.

sailboat transport on a trailer
Norbert Stiglitz - owner

Norbert Stiglitz

With my love of yachts and boats, I have specialised in boat and yacht transport. Together with my team and a fleet of vehicles suitable for special freight, I offer yacht and boat transfers throughout Europe.

ship on map



Whether from the shipyard to the dealer, from the dealer to the owner, from the owner to the marina, from the marina to winter storage or to your holiday destination, discover our services.

ship in garage


Off on vacation

Many boat enthusiasts regularly go on vacation with their own "hotel" or want to break out of their familiar territory to discover something new. 
I support you with the right boat transportation offer.
Sailboat transport and yacht transport tours to the south are already planned for the 2024 season, so if you are flexible and you see an opportunity for more vacation budget in the shared effort, I will be happy to plan you in. Just get in touch with me via the contact form.